Jury Duty

The keystone of the justice system in the United States is the right to a trial by jury. This right is guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Georgia Constitution. The right to a jury trial has a long history. It was part of the civil liberties granted by King John of England on June 15, 1215, and was recorded in the document known as Magna Carta. Trial by one’s peers was designed to prevent too much power being in the hands of the king.

Juries continue to be important to the justice system. Jurors determine the facts of the evidence in the case presented to them. Jury duty is an opportunity to serve the community. We in the court system will try to make your experience as pleasant as possible. In exchange, we hope that you will be fair, impartial and dedicated in completing your jury duty.

While Jury Duty is mandatory, a prospective juror who has received a jury summons may apply to be excused from jury service by submitting a Juror Affidavit. Click here to download the Juror Affidavit Form. Forms should be submitted via mail to the office of the Clerk of Courts. The address is below.

Please read all the following instructions before reporting.

  • Bring your summons with you.
  • Please plan to arrive at least by 8:45 a.m. so that you can be in the Jury Assembly Room by 9:00 a.m. This room is located at the Peach County Courthouse, 213 Persons St., Fort Valley, Georgia.
  • Vending machines are available.
  • For emergency assistance call 478-825-5331  after 8:30 a.m.
  • By order of the Peach County Sheriff’s Department, items such as penknives, flashlights, scissors, sewing needles and any type of weapon are strictly prohibited and are not to be brought into the building.
  • Laptops, tablets, phones and pagers are not allowed..
  • Proper Dress is required. Shorts, Bermudas, jeans with holes, muscle shirts, halter tops and bare midriff clothing are not acceptable Court attire.

If instructed to do so, call this number after 5:30 PM for recorded instructions for the next day.

Phone: 478-825-7413

Jury Duty – Jury Selection Criteria

  • Residency -- To serve as a juror for Peach County, you must reside in the county. If you no longer live in Peach County, please so state on the affidavit included in your summons, have it notarized and return it promptly to the Clerk’s Office.
  • Citizenship -- Tto serve as a juror for Peach County, you must be a citizen of the United States. If you are not a citizen, please so state on the affidavit included in your summons, have it notarized and return it promptly to the Clerk’s Office.
  • Age -- If you are 70 years of age or older and do not wish to serve, please so state on the affidavit included in your summons, have it notarized and return it promptly to the Clerk’s Office.
  • Medical/Physical -- If you are claiming a medical and /or physical problem, a medical excuse must be provided to the Clerk’s Office. For minor or temporary problems, you may ask to be deferred to a later date. In either case, you must state the request on your affidavit, have it notarized and return it promptly to the clerk’s Office.
  • Full time students -- If you are a full-time student, and your school is in session during the week you are called for ,click here to download the Juror Affidavit Form., have it notarized and return it promptly to the Clerk’s Office.
  • Children Under the Age of 6 -- If you normally stay home during the day with a child 6 years old or younger, click here to download the Juror Affidavit Form, have it notarized and return it promptly to the Clerk’s Office.
  • Home Schooling -- If you home school your children, click here to download the Juror Affidavit Form., have it notarized and return it promptly to the Clerk’s Office.
  • Active Duty Military --If you are currently on active duty military, click here to download the Juror Affidavit Form., have it notarized and return it promptly to the Clerk’s Office.
  • If you cannot download the affidavit, call our office and we will mail a copy to you.

Further information regarding Jury Service can be found in the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, beginning with Section 15-12-1.

Contact Information

Office of Superior Court Clerk
213 Persons Street
Fort Valley, GA 31030

Phone: 478.825.5331
Fax: 478.825.8662

Thank you for your public service.

If you have questions, please view our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section before contacting the Superior Court Clerk’s office at 478-825-5331.

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